The need for house cleaners in Australia became more pronounced after the lockdowns and border closures of the widespread pandemic, caused work-life disruptions. Since February of this year, the news circulating in the industry is the shortage of qualified house cleaners.

In Brisbane, households of busy families went under the stress of having to juggle professional work with house chores. All of a sudden, parents had to help their children cope with online learning. In some cases, families also have to care for elderly members, especially those with disabilities.

Apparently, most of the individuals who used to work as domestic cleaners were stranded as a result of border closures. Yet not all applicants looking to fill in vacant positions were qualified. Only those who were willing to undergo testing and who tested negative were considered as potential staff reinforcements. Such a requirement was important because many of the homes that needed professional house cleaners belonged to families with vulnerable members.

Worker Shortage Resulted to Lost Revenues

News reports have it that during the 2-year pandemic period, numerous cleaning service facilities had to turn down thousands of dollars worth of house cleaning requests. This was due to the lack of competent people who can provide the needed services. Many of the potential applicants had begged off after knowing that vaccination was a requirement.

Most vulnerable customers have adequate healthcare funding to pay for house cleaning services. The cost is part of the benefits received from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) package.

Still, as things are getting back to normal, there has been no let up in the demand for professional house cleaners. Apparently, Australians find it more comfortable to work-from-home and feel more at ease in having their children engaged in homeschooling.

Knowing that someone will come around to clean the dining area and the kitchen after every meal, as well as make the beds and ensure a clean and safe environment for the children, allows for work-life balance. Working-from-home allows parents to devote quality time not only for their family but for themselves as well.

What Exactly can Professional Domestic Cleaners Render as Services?

Domestic cleaners are under orders by their employers to render cleaning services specified in a to-do list. The list is prepared in accordance with individual customer instructions and requests.

Here’s the thing in Brisbane, brisbane cleaners can help customers with massive amounts of cleaning tasks on a daily, weekly or fortnightly engagement. Yet with every visit, cleaners are constrained to do only the tasks customers arranged for on specific dates. Customers on the other hand, are not required to pay for anything until after every house cleaning assignment has been completed.

Still despite the numerous websites offering house cleaning services in Australia, a lot of people are unsure about the type of domestic chores they can request from providers. A list of the most common domestic chores being requested include:

  • Dusting
  • Clean with a vacuum cleaner or also termed as hoovering
  • Making beds, fluffing pillows and changing of bed covers and pillow cases.
  • Tidying the kitchen as part of a daily engagement
    including washing and emptying dishwashers;
  • Sweeping and mopping the kitchen and bathroom floors dry
  • Tidy up, clean and sanitize the bathroom
  • Wash, iron and fold clothes
  • Empty garbage bins
  • Water the potted plants and flowers

When customers book their cleaning requests, they can give specific instructions on how and when to carry out certain chores; or add tasks not mentioned above.

Generally and as a rule, domestic cleaners who are not engaged to perform end-of-lease cleaning contracts, do not render deep-cleaning services on walls. carpets and furniture upholstery. These types of services require more time and devotion, unlike cleaning chores performed on a daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis. Regular domestic cleaners follow a time table and work strategies to ensure productive work in every visit.