You can certainly have multiple goals, and there are numerous other reasons why you should start journaling. But keep track of which ones speak to you the most; this will help you choose a type of journaling to begin with.
Journaling in the Stream of Consciousness
Though it is the most basic form of journaling, it can be difficult to begin. It can be intimidating to stare at a blank page. However, once you get started, stream-of-consciousness journaling can be one of the most beneficial.
It works exactly as it sounds: you pick up a pen and journal (or even a blank piece of paper) and begin writing.
Gratitude Journaling
Gratitude journaling is an excellent way to hone your gratitude skills. It’s also one of the simplest types of journaling to begin with because there’s a built-in prompt that never changes.
Most people begin gratitude journaling by writing down three to five things they are grateful for in their lives. It is best to be as specific as possible.
Journaling in Bullets
Bullet journaling is a highly organized method of journaling. It’s an excellent way to keep track of your daily activities, goals, and schedule.
Journaling with Directions
Guided journaling is simply keeping a journal with prompts. It is a broad type of journaling.
These journals can be set up in a variety of ways, but they all include prompts and exercises to help you make the most of your journaling time. Some are useful for habit formation, while others are for self-reflection or discovery. Pre-written prompts are included with some guided journals. Others have blank pages that you must fill out.
Journaling by theme or goal
Theme- or goal-based journaling is an excellent way to use journaling to aid in the achievement of a specific goal. This could also be referred to as an intention journal.
The idea is that you have a specific goal or area in which you would like to grow. You establish a specific goal for your journaling and then use it to help you achieve that goal.
For instance, suppose you want to lose weight. You can purchase a blank journal, write your goals on page one, and keep a daily journal of your progress. You could also purchase a guided journal designed specifically to assist you in losing weight.
Journaling Visual / Art Journaling
If you want to incorporate some art into your journaling or if you want to grow artistically, visual or art journaling is a great way to get started.
The idea is to include something visual in your journaling. This can be a sketch, doodle, collage, watercolor, or oil painting – anything visually appealing. You can even include images or videos.
Journaling in Memoir
Memoir journaling is all about chronicling your life – usually so you can look back on it. It’s an excellent way to document your life in a way that you’ll be proud to read about later. It’s probably the closest thing to keeping a diary (of the types of journaling we’re discussing here).
It can be difficult to look back on your life and pinpoint the significant events, but with a memoir journal, you can do just that.